Reasons Why Your Website Isn’t Generating Leads

Reasons Why Your Website Isn’t Generating Leads

Discover the top reasons why your website isn’t generating leads and find out what you can do to start converting more visitors into customers.

It could be one of several factors.

A website is judged by several criteria, including copy, design, quality, and ease of use. If something seems off to the visitor, he or she will not only not take the desired action—they probably won’t come back.

Complicated landing pages and contact forms

Speaking of easy-to-follow, a landing page or form shouldn’t force visitors to figure out where they have to go to take the next step. If the call to action is tucked into the bottom of the text or if the contact form can’t be filled in, it won’t generating leads you want.

Read More: Importance Of Channel Integration For Website

Keep lead-generating pages simple and make sure they work every time someone clicks them.

No calls to action

People come to your landing page and read the copy. Then what? They won’t stick around unless you give them a reason to do so.

If you don’t give visitors a clear idea of what you want them to do—in other words, a strong call to action—they won’t stay on your site for very long.

Be direct about what you want people to do when they come to your site. Tell them to “Subscribe Now” if you’re trying to attract more email newsletter subscribers or “Add to Cart” if you want them to buy something. Place the call at or near the top of the page.

Poor or insufficient content

You only have a few seconds to convert a site visitor into a customer—and even less time to make a good first impression. If the copy doesn’t resonate with the visitor, either in tone or content, they won’t feel like it was targeted to them.

The impression made by vague details or poor spelling and grammar is even worse. Don’t let poorly written content drive away you’re most valuable generating leads.

Confusing navigation

One of the reasons your landing page or form needs a simple design iththat’sconfusing layout can distract eyes from the key information. Numerous eye-tracking studies have shown a tendency to scan a web page instead of reading every letter.

If these areas don’t contain the call to action and other important details, you may lose the reader’s attention—not to mention a valuable lead.

One of the most effective layouts is the F shape, in which the most important information is found across the top of the page and along the left side. Format your landing page the same way.

It’s not mobile-friendly

Some potential generating leads want to convert, but they can’t because they’re trying to access a desktop site from a mobile device. More and more consumers and businesses are using their mobile devices to shop, read the news and get in contact with service providers. That means your lead generation efforts have to follow suit.

Start with responsive design on your website. This will ensure landing pages and contact forms load properly on multiple devices, including smartphones and tablets.

Instead of waiting for people to go home and access your site from their desktop computer, a mobile strategy allows you to reach them—and convert them—wherever they may be.

Want to generate more generating leads with your website?

At E-Tech, we have years of experience creating and managing successful Generating Leads strategies for our clients—and we’ll do the same for you! Contact us today to speak to a strategist.

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